
April 21, 2012

I'm A Versatile Blogger!

Honestly, I do not see myself as a great blogger. I am no travel junkie, food critic or sassy fashionista who have their own blogger fan base. I am just an ordinary girl who rants and writes about her adventures in life, particularly in planning for her upcoming wedding. Sometimes, I feel envious whenever I would read some popular blogs because I feel that I can never write as well as them.

Which is why I am so touched and honored when Kim of Coffee With Kim awarded me with The Versatile Blogger award. Thank you Kim for my first blog award ever! :) I'd never thought that people would read about my random ramblings, more so even like them. Kinikilig tuloy ako! Hehe!

Thank the blogger who sends you the award and add a link to his/her blog.
 Write 7 random things about you.
Give the award to other 15 bloggers you love and tell them
The rules say that I have to write seven random things about me. So here we go:
  1. I'm absolutely terrified of cockroaches, especially those big flying ones! Give me a frog, a snake or even a big, fat rat any day; just don't let me near one tiny cockroach. I couldn't even kill one because I'm too scared that it would run up my leg. Kadiri! I blame that whole cockroach-flying-to-my-hair incident when I was seven for my phobia.

  2. I feel more rested during the day when I only have four hours of sleep or less than when I have the full eight hours of sleep. I can even go about the day without sleeping at all! Maybe this is the reason why I never grew taller than 5 feet. Pfft.

  3. I dip fruits into soy sauce for added flavor instead of using salt. My favorite fruits to dip are banana, pineapple and watermelon.

  4. I cannot sleep without putting a pillow between my legs. No, it's nothing dirty or bastos; it's just because I used to wake up a lot during the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. So I thought that by putting the pillow between my legs, it would prevent the feeling of wanting to pee. It doesn't really work, but it became a habit so the pillow still stays between my legs.

  5. I have this small speech problem where I can't pronounce the "R" properly if it's followed by a vowel. Instead of "R", it would sound like the letter "W". So instead of saying "street", I would say "stweet". Some people think I'm making baby talk, but I really can't help it. It's barely noticeable, but people who DO notice it love to make me pronounce difficult words such as "Miriam", "Punerarya" or "Rumaragasa".

  6. I collect paper bags, fancy papers and gift wrappers. If you'll buy me a gift and put it inside a beautiful paper bag, I'll probably be happier with the paper bag than with the gift itself. Also, the only reason why I like to receive flowers is because of their wrappings. Yes, I am weird that way.

  7. I love the smell of newly photocopied paper and new books. Whenever I'm reading a new book, I would stop once in a while to smell the pages.
So now it's time to award 15 of my favorite bloggers with The Versatile Blogger award:

I can't wait to read some random facts about all of you! Enjoy! :)


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